
16 6014

Ladies and gentlemen, it's that time again. Time to look at the new additions to the TF2 arsenal and quash the "This weapon is...
5 3246

Sometimes, people will mention an event that has long passed. Something that had drifted to the edges of your conscious memory and slid into...
2 3328

In the first installment of Grind Wars (assuming you haven't forgotten about it), I talked about my lofty goals for Guild Wars' Hall...
3 5006

One of the major aspects of the Fighting Game Community that differentiates itself from other competitive gaming communities (e.g., the pro Starcraft scene*) is...
25 10808

With Guild Wars 2 on the ever-nearing horizon and the beta access weekends over, it only makes sense that the Guild Wars fanbase is...
2 4179

In these long absences I guarantee I'm not just sitting on my ass twiddling my thumbs. I am playing, thinking, and enjoying new strategies to games....
5 3779

After having been to three Evo tournaments now, they seem to move like clockwork. One second you're getting off your flight in nighttime Vegas...
5 7717

Hello readers. Look at your mouse. Now look at my over-9000 DPI 300 button bionic mind-controlled UberMaus 3000. Sadly, your mouse will never compare. But...
21 8963

If you've been online in the last few months, you've likely heard all about DayZ, possibly from our E3 interview with...
4 3379

It's that time of the year again. Next week is shoryuken.com's official fighting game tournament, the Evolution Tournament Series, which takes place at...