20 6796

I really didn't want to review this game. Not due to any previous bias or hating the Batman franchise (I LOVE Batman and anyone who...
4 2852

Don't worry your little hearts, I still love Assassin's Creed multiplayer. And while the most recent patch may have soured...
35 6701

Well isn't this a fine mess. For those of you who don't play AC:R on the...
11 3092

I'd like to apologize to the subscribers of the T3 YouTube channel. I promised them first rights to tournament footage, but was unable to...
7 2604

Whether you love Assassinate or hate it, we're moving into other modes from here on out. Our top eleven players...
8 2741

It's the final countdown. With all Qualifying Round gameplay completed, recorded, and uploaded, the eleven best players of our Assassinate cohort are now...
7 4824

You may not have been impressed with the first DLC for Assassin's Creed Revelations multiplayer. For a few dollars, you could get...
0 2609

PARIS, FRANCE, February 13, 2012 – TriOviz®, the leading provider of stereoscopic solutions for the game and entertainment industries, today announced the appointment...
94 18609

Well, it's that time of the month again. No, not the time of month when touching a woman is punishable by stoning. The time...
8 2475

There isn't much to say about me, really. I'm a simple man. A noble man. A humble man. So it's always a surprise when...