CCP Games

13 5617

When I told a coworker I had picked up EVE Online, he laughed. "If you had to guess," he said," how many banners did it...
2 5581

Promising better graphics, better balance, an improved interface and (yes) paintable spaceships, CCP has rolled out a major patch for EVE Online: Rubicon today....
5 6900

While you'll probably spend a lot of your time in very high security space as a new player, you'll still be nothing more than...
6 11037

Note: Use the EVE wiki to answer any questions raised but not answers by this and any future articles. If you play MMORPGs, you've...
3 3274

At E3 2012, we got a brief chance to stop by the good folks at CCP and preview Dust514, their upcoming free to play...