Playstation Network (PSN)

4 4095

  During the load screens of Magic the Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers, the player is presented with tips intended to give beginners some...
14 5859

People love to hate on Strength of Stone. "It's too slow. It's too weak. There's no synergy between any of the overcosted cards. The...
6 4122

It's been a while since I put together some Magic the Gathering videos and...
1 1936

Wizarbox and Focus Home Interactive today unveiled new screenshots of fantasy hack 'n' slash R.A.W. - Realms of Ancient War, developed...
4 4315

While our last Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 deck article was based on Chandra's mono-red burn deck, Duels 2k12 (as it's affectionately known around...
7 5780

If there's one thing I love, it's my lovely Elle. But if there's two things I love, it's her and video games. If that...
23 10426

While not everyone plays Magic the Gathering (some people do have an interest in dating, after all),...
20 3508

This week, Top Tier Tactics introduces a new feature, Relay Rant. The premise is simple: one writer per week gets to whine...
8 2159

So, we've started...