roleplaying game (RPG)

0 11324

Note: Please refer to my last article for the bulk of the strategy. The tactics presented are revised with respect to the starters'...
1 15877

Of all the Pokemon games released, I think Gold and Silver were by far the best. The freedom it offered and the smooth leveling...

In XCOM: Enemy Unknown, surviving is your top priority--you want your soldiers to survive so they level up and become stronger. Be warned: if...
12 16056

There's a strange allure to Pokemon I can never put my fingers on. I don't know if it's the cuteness of the creatures, the...
6 8701

I wasn't planning on getting Far Cry 3 until sometime around Christmas. I was, however, getting bored with shooters, and frustrated with Assassin's Creed...
1 9984

Interested in Path of Exile? Read our exclusive interview with the development team or check out the rest of...
13 7846

The barrier of entry to Dark Souls is high. So high, in fact, that many pick the game up, spend five minutes in sheer...

Want to get started in Guild Wars 2 but aren't sure where to begin? Harsh from the
3 3184

Well, it's been a month - ample time for me to have beaten the new content in the Prepare to Die PC Edition of...
13 3929

Recently, having taken a big break from Street Fighter IV and Dark Souls to do some real life stuff, I spent a...